Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Leverage Episode 10 - "The 12-step Job"

The team goes man hunt after they take a job of a financial director who stoles money from charity and spends them on bars and tacos. Later then Nate realizes that their symbol was in fact steeling from rich people and giving it to the poor.The team goes after an unscrupulous financial director who stole from charity. After forcing him into rehab for his many addictions, the mission changes when Nate learns their mark is in fact robbing the rich (and criminal) and giving to the poor.


Unknown said...

Linked to Episode 9

Nestillia said...

still linked to Ep 9

Unknown said...

anyone have a link that will work for ep 10?

Anonymous said...

WHy can't you fix a Simple Link its STILL ep 9

Anonymous said...

i don't think this is the right episode....

Anonymous said...

Definitely not the right ep. it says season premiere.

Anonymous said...

Since they haven't changed the link yet, heres a direct link for the episode

Anonymous said...

linked to episode 10 now. its all good.
thx for uploading